The worst people you meet in the bar post-pandemic

Look, I know the pandemic isn’t technically over, but “The people you meet in the bar after you’ve been vaccinated and boosted and decided the current situation works well enough within your own personal risk tolerance that you’ve decided it’s ok to go get a beer every now and then as long as things don’t …

The Book of Boba Fett made me even angrier about Disney’s treatment of Luke and the Jedi

*Deep breaths.* Also, spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett ahead. *More breaths, because Jesus Christ.* Ok. So. Din Djarin’s trip to visit Grogu at Luke Skywalker’s fledgling Jedi academy in Episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett made it real clear that Disney’s intent on revisiting one of the biggest themes of the …

Additions to the Winter Olympics

The 2022 Winter Olympics began the other day, reminding me once again that holy crap, the Olympics are so damn dull. Look, I appreciate the dedication and skill of all of these amazing athletes. I just don’t find anything they’re doing particularly entertaining. So let’s jazz it up. Let’s bring the Winter Games into the …

The kids in Kutztown’s Banned Book Club are awesome

In response to Conservative effort to ban books that really shouldn’t be banned, teenagers in a small Pennsylvania town have created a club specifically for reading, discussing, and understanding those banned titles. It’s awesome. I’ve joked on my various social media accounts about getting my books banned on purpose because it’ll lead to a lot …

Advice for the future

This week, the day job asked me to talk to a group of interns about my career path. No big deal; I’ve done this kind of thing before, and it’s always a fun look back at where I came from and how I’ve gotten to where I am. It reminds me that yes, actually, I …

On the 2021 New England Patriots

If I’d been put in charge of writing the fate of the 2021 New England Patriots, the way things shook out in real life is about how I would’ve written it. The team took an undeniable step forward from a frustrating and embarrassing 2020 (I can relate), but they also aren’t quite there just yet …

I don’t want to be the ham sniffer but I’m glad he exists

Christmas came early to those of us with weird senses of humor thanks to this article about the Cinco Jotas company’s overwhelmed ham sniffers. It’s all about old-fashioned quality control, you see, and ham demand during the holidays means these noses have to get a whiff of about four times as many hams as they …

Scott’s 2022 writing goals

Resolutions are for more reliable people who aren’t so easily distracted by video games and beer. Goals, though–those are fungible and can be worded in a way that lets me say “yeah, I mostly did that” in between grasping excuses. Huzzah! Things I’m totally going to accomplish, I swear Finish up the second Black Yonnix …

The ultimate vaccination plan

So we know that if we want the world to be a slightly less obnoxious place we need to vaccinate as many people as possible against COVID-19. We also know that there are small but entrenched cadres of conspiracy-humping Tucker Carlson fanboys and hippie dippie moon children who absolutely refuse to pull their heads out …